Earth Day

Dear reCribers,
In celebration of Earth Day today, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being among the first to join the reCrib community, and for all of your help and support during the launch of our earth-friendly business. We salute you for being green when it comes to your little ones. By buying and selling gently used baby and kids gear, you are making a difference and doing something good for our planet. And a happy little side effect is saving and making some extra money. Who would argue with that?!
It’s only been a week since our official launch, and the word is already spreading. We’ve been very proud to be feautured on numerous blogs (see links below).

It’s been so great hearing from you all about your sales (it’s fun and rewarding, isn’t it?!). And we also really appreciate your feedback – both positive and constructive – on the site. Keep it coming!  We want reCrib to be the best it can be, the place you know you can come to to buy and sell the best, gently used baby and kids gear. So please spread the word to your friends across the country (reCrib is national, did you know that?) – the more stuff on the site, the more people who come to find great deals on kids gear, the better it will be.

Thank you, and happy Earth Day. We’re all in this together, so let’s remember to do what we can – close a light, recycle your bottles, use public transportation, eat local, plant a seed!
Daniel and Michelle
links to some of the blogs recrib has been featured on:

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